The American Heart Association and OPEN have teamed-up to provide professional development experiences for participating Kids Heart Challenge & American Heart Challenge schools. If you are interesting learning more about this opportunity please reach out to your local American Heart Association staff person.
Focused professional learning that improves teacher effectiveness and drives student results.
Kids Heart Challenge & American Heart Challenge titles:
Building a Foundation for Physical Education with OPEN and AHA (1 to 3 hours)
Physical education teachers experience all OPEN has to offer in this fast-moving and fun activity session! Teachers will learn all about OPEN’s free PK-12 curriculum including: lesson plans, social and emotional learning, universal design for learning, academic language, and more! Our National Trainers will make sure participants have access to all of OPEN’s free resources to enhance their current programs – thanks to OPEN and the AHA! This workshop is designed for a grades K-12 audience.
Proactive Mental Health: The Believe In You Empowerment Program (1 to 3 hours)
Take your school’s social and emotional development to the next level with the Believe In You. The Student Empowerment Program is evidence-based and built for flexible implementation. This professional development is designed to inspire your teachers and prepare them to fully implement BIY activities and resources with students. Participants will get an in-depth understanding of program design including: student empowerment rights, building school connection, BIY emotions education, and the Plan, Do, Study, Grow (PDSG) Leadership Cycle. This experience is interactive and fun. This workshop is designed for a grades 3–12 audience.
Staff Wellness & Appreciation with Believe In You (1 to 3 hours)
Teaching is a hero’s journey – take care of your inner hero! This experience takes educators beyond the cliché of self-care and into the realm of self-awareness, emotional efficacy, and personal power mapping. Teachers participating in this session will experience emotions education mixed with concepts for unlocking personal empowerment – all in a fun and interactive environment. Accommodate more of your school’s staff by repeating this session three times during your next professional development day. It is designed for a K-12 audience with teachers, support staff, and administration.
Jump and Move with Kids Heart Challenge® (1 to 3 hours)
In conjunction with our partners US Games and the American Heart Association, OPEN provides professional development to help teachers coordinate OPEN modules to the Kids Heart Challenge service-learning program. Teachers will receive not only professional development for OPEN curriculum resources but also training on content from OPEN modules that can be used to enhance a Kids Heart Challenge program. This active session will also feature information from an American Heart Association representative on how they can support teachers who are working to facilitate a local event. This workshop is designed for a grades K–6 audience. (Note: These professional developments are scheduled through local American Heart Association representatives in your geographic area.)
Healthy Brains and Bodies with Active Classrooms & Recess (1 to 3 hours)
Students need 60+ minutes of activity every day for healthy bodies and healthy brains. Physical activity helps build brains and prepares students for optimal learning! This will help them leap over any learning gap they may be facing. OPEN’s Active Classroom and Recess resources are also designed to improve social and emotional health with activities that address physiological stress response. Teachers participating in this session will learn about the connection between physical activity and learning, as well as how to safely implement physical activity into every school day. This workshop is designed for the elementary classroom and physical education teachers.