The Planning and Preparation resources are designed to provide OPEN members with outcomes-based resources focused on quality curriculum implementation. Like all resources, these files are meant to be guiding models and should be customized to best meet the needs of your students and teaching environment. For example, the curriculum maps are created based on a school year beginning in September, so you may need to adjust the weeks modules such as holiday games are listed if your school year begins prior to September. OPEN contributors and national trainers continue to work hard to provide our members with flexible tools to elevate physical education programs.

Planning & Preparation Resources 

  • Blank Lesson Plan Template:

  • Blank Block Plan Template:

  • Blank 20-week Yearly Plan Template:

  • Blank 40-week Yearly Plan Template:

  • Sub Plan Template Grades K-5:

  • Sub Plans K-5 Activity Packet:

  • Sub Plan Template Grades 6-12:

  • Sub Plans 6-12 Activity Packet:

Depth of Knowledge Resources 

  • DOK Wheel & Question Stems:

  • DOK Question Set Gen GPT:

Academic Language Resources 

  • Academic Language AI GPT:

Curriculum Mapping Overview

Local, State, and National Grade-Level Outcomes set expectations for student learning and OPEN instructional modules provide the learning activities, assessments, and resources to help students develop physical literacy skills, knowledge, and confidence.

K-12 Curriculum Maps

  • Grades K – 2 (40-Week Map):

  • Grades 3 – 5 (40-Week Map):

  • Middle School (40-Week Map):

  • High School (20-Week Map):

Priority Learning Outcomes for Physical Education and Social and Emotional Learning

Physical Education

The OPEN Priority Learning Outcomes for Physical Education provide instructional focus through the lens of 4 umbrella standards and 16 instructional strands with 1 grade-level outcome per strand. This means that physical educators can now focus their planning to help students meet 16 learning outcomes per year with a clear focus on teaching the value of physical activity for good physical, emotional, and mental health.

  • Physical Education Priority Outcomes:

Social and Emotional Learning

The OPEN Priority Learning Outcomes for Social and Emotional Learning define 15 social and emotional learning outcomes that align with CASEL’s 5 core competencies. Each competency is unpacked into 3 trauma-informed content strands with an elementary and secondary outcome for each strand. This work is research-based and evidence-informed and is meant to guide the backward design of OPEN’s social and emotional learning resources focused on K-12 instruction and staff wellness.

  • SEL Priority Outcomes:

 Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool

PECAT Standard Analysis 

The Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (PECAT) is a self-assessment and planning guide developed by the CDC. Schools and school districts working to adopt OPEN as their physical education curriculum can review our PECAT Standards Analysis Scorecards, view our content development outlook, and create systemic rationales for adoption.

Thank you to our partners from the SUNY Cortland AMP Lab for their work in completing and maintaining these documents.

PECAT by Grade Level

  • Grades K-2 Standards Analysis:

  • Grades 3-5 Standards Analysis:

  • Grades 6-8 Standards Analysis:

  • Grades 9-12 Standards Analysis:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Dept of Health and Human Services; 2019.