The Professional Responsibilities resources are designed to provide OPEN members with resources focused on communicating with families and community members, and growing and developing professionally. Like all resources, these resources are meant to be guiding models to best meet the needs of your professional path. OPEN contributors and national trainers continue to work hard to provide our members with tools to elevate the physical education profession and help guide your personal professional growth pathway.
Professional Learning Opportunities
Varsity University
OPEN Teacher Certification
OPEN Professional Learning
Believe in You Professional Learning
OPEN Empowerment Workshops (face-to-face)
Believe in You 5-day Journals
Educator Empowerment Summit
Family & Community Partnership Resources
Building Family-School Partnerships
Effective School-Community Partnerships
Family & Community Engagement
Leadership Opportunities
- Volunteering at district, state, or national conferences
- Submitting a presentation proposal for district, state, or national conferences
- Advocating at the local, state, or national level for health and wellness
- Create bulletin boards in hallways with positive messaging about physical and/or mental health
- Lead a Brain Boost during a Faculty Meeting [CLICK FOR EXAMPLE ACTIVITY]
- Lead a Brain Boost during a School Board Meeting [CLICK FOR EXAMPLE ACTIVITY]
School-wide Event Resources
Field Days
Kids Heart Challenge
Family PE Week
Host a Family PE Night
Student Empowerment Month
Look for the Good Project
National PE & Sport Week
Advocacy Resources
Program Introduction Letter
Family PE Week Invitation
Physical Education Letterhead Image
SHAPE America
National Academy of Health & Physical Literacy
Active Schools
Action for Healthy Kids
Human Kinetics Blog