Rhythm & Move Development Team: Aaron Hart, Elyse Loughlin, Andrea Hart, RDN, CDN, Lori Rose Benson, Dr. Olajide Williams, MD, MS
Illustrations: James Boland
Book Design: Jennifer Truong
Rhythm & Move uses the Multisensory, Multilevel Health Education Model to teach young students about emotional and behavioral self-regulation, relationships with other children, and basic nutrition education concepts. This is done in a purposeful movement environment in order to facilitate gross motor development, providing positive physical literacy experiences.
Complete Program eBook:
Super Helper Comic Book:
Program Overview:
Activity Formation Maps:
Rule Poster:
Fruit & Veggie Luv Relay:
Super Dancers:
Fruit & Veg Dance Stations:
Grocery Bags:
Super Partners:
Water the Garden:
Fruit & Veggie Luv Cards:
Super Dancer Chart:
Dance Station Cards:
Grape Info Sheet:

Veggie Luv:
U R What U Eat:
Hip Hop F.E.E.T.:
We Like Vegetables:
More Rhythm & Move tracks available now!:
All music files are free! To download audio track files you will be asked to register as a Hip Hop Public Health MC (Master of Culture). All files are free and registration is easy. Visit hhph.org/hhph-mcs to register today.
Learn more about the MMHEM using this citation:
Williams, O. & Swierad, E.M. (2019). A Multisensory Multilevel Health Education Model for Diverse Communities International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(5), 872; doi:10.3390/ijerph16050872
Can’t see the file links? Register for FREE today to access all of the modules. SIGN UP HERE
Content Themes: Based on Developmental Indicators
Emotional & Behavioral Self-Regulation
- Classroom Rules
- Classroom Routines
- Classroom Transitions
- Response to Management Signals
- Control Actions and Words (Facing Challenges)
- Manages behavior based on Expectations
- Waits for a Turn
- Understands Consequences of Behavior
Relationships with Other Children
- Positive Interactions with Other Children
- Strategies for Entering Social Situations
- Takes Turns (Conversation and Interaction)
- Develops Friendships
- Joint Play with at least 1 other student
- Includes ideas of others
- Shows enjoyment of play with others
- Reflection/Conversation about past play
Gross Motor Development
- Balance in Large-Muscle Movements
- Combine/Coordinate Large-Muscle Groups (Dance)
- Strength and Stamina for Range of Activities
- Body and Spatial Awareness
- Moves in Relation to Objects/Other Children
- Changes Directions
Nutrition Education
- Identify Healthy Foods
- Eat a Variety of Foods
- Food Helps Body Grow and Be Healthy
- Moderates Food Consumption (Hunger/Fullness)