Face-to-Face and Virtual Options Available
Find 1 or more workshop titles to build a full face-to-face 6-hour professional development event for your school district. Then, click “Request Proposal” and fill out a form to request a formal price quote. Each face-to-face professional development event is $3,450. This price includes all trainer travel and expenses and a $300 OPEN training equipment pack. Virtual experiences are $925 per session with discounts for 3 or more sessions. (All workshops can be delivered face-to-face or virtually unless otherwise noted.)
Focused professional learning that improves teacher effectiveness and drives student results.
2025 Professional Development Menu
OPEN Crash Course! (1 to 3 hours)
Want to get your physical education teachers on OPEN, but only have a half day of professional development? This fast-paced session will get your teachers exposed to OPEN’s outcomes-based teaching and learning tools through an active learning environment. Participants will be exposed to OPEN activities and gain access to over 5,000 FREE lesson plan documents! This workshop is designed for a grades K–12 audience and is the only OPEN professional development offered at a reduced price ($1999.00) for a limited time only!
Creating Connections and School Community (1 to 3 hours)
This workshop develops group dynamics, connections, teamwork, problem solving and trust building skills within your classroom, school, or workplace through OPEN’s Adventure Learning module. This module is designed for physical education at the secondary level but can be modified and adapted for elementary students. Activities are designed around the concepts of connection, trust, creativity, and energy which give physical educators adventurous ways to engage students. Additionally, this professional learning experience will address assessment and evaluation in Adventure Learning, and how to plan your Adventure in an appropriate sequential order to assure maximum group connection. This activity-based workshop is designed for a grades 3–12 audience, but can be modified to do with school staff to build connections!
Adapting for Student Success! (1 to 3 hours)
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an evidence-based educational framework and an integral educational approach used to improve inclusive practices in adapted or general physical education classes . OPEN focuses on UDL guideline options that are easily put into practice by creating a learning environment with the intention of creating equal opportunity for all students to be safe and successful. Participants will return to their schools with an understanding of the importance of developing accommodations or modifications to best address individual needs leading to better learning outcomes for all physical education students. This workshop is designed for a grades K–12 audience.
Conducting Your Class! Orchestrating Flawless Physical Education! (1-3 hours)
The perfect PE class is like conducting an orchestra. This professional development uses OPEN content to show teachers how to successfully conduct a class! Participants will review the four pillars of best practices – planning and preparation, classroom environment, instruction, and professional responsibilities. Next, they will learn how to make sure each one is integrated into lesson and program structure to maximize student learning and teacher success! This workshop is designed for a K-12 audience.
We Need a Plan – A Vertical Plan! (1 to 6 hours)
OPEN’s vertical alignment professional development helps coordinate teachers across students’ entire K-12 physical education experience. This active professional development session lets participants experience OPEN modules that are aligned across the K through Grade 12 curriculum with skill development, refinement, and application. Your OPEN National Trainer will connect the content to a sequential curriculum that highlights developmentally appropriate ways to teach toward learning outcomes without repetitious experiences throughout elementary, middle, and high school. At the conclusion of the session, teachers will begin the process of designing their own vertical plans by aligning standards and content across all grade levels through collaboration with feeder schools.
You can now redeem your Kids Heart Challenge and American Heart Challenge certificates for OPEN Professional Development! Choose “Redeem KHC Certificate” when requesting a proposal.
Download and read our new white paper, which outlines the foundation of OPEN’s development and implementation while outlining our path forward.
New Believe In You Professional Learning
Proactive Mental Health: The Believe In You Empowerment Program (1 to 3 hours)
Take your school’s social and emotional learning to the next level with the Believe In You. The Student Empowerment Program is evidence-based and built for flexible implementation. This professional development is designed to inspire your teachers and prepare them to fully implement BIY activities and resources with students. Participants will get an in-depth understanding of program design including: student empowerment rights, building school connection, BIY emotions education, and the Plan, Do, Study, Grow (PDSG) Leadership Cycle. This experience is interactive and fun. This workshop is designed for a grades 3–12 audience.
Staff Wellness & Appreciation with Believe In You (1 to 3 hours)
Teaching is a hero’s journey – take care of your inner hero! This experience takes educators beyond the cliché of self-care and into the realm of self-awareness, emotional efficacy, and personal power mapping. Teachers participating in this session will experience emotions education mixed with concepts for unlocking personal empowerment – all in a fun and interactive environment. Accommodate more of your school’s staff by repeating this session three times during your next professional development day. It is designed for a K-12 audience with teachers, support staff, and administration.

Featured Professional Learning
OPENPhysEd.org Training (1 to 6 hours)
This workshop puts the focus on using OPEN’s free standards-based curriculum resources, which give physical educators creative ways to engage students and teach lessons that ensure academic rigor in any instructional environment. This is an activity-based session — come prepared and ready to move! Every OPEN instructional module includes research-based teaching tools such as academic language resources, depth of knowledge tiered question techniques, Marzano academic rigor strategies, universal design strategies, and social and emotional learning integration. Additionally, this professional learning experience will address assessment and evaluation in learning management systems, and how to plan for changing educational environments. This workshop is designed for a grades K–12 audience.
Social and Emotional Learning in Physical Education (1 to 3 hours)
Physical education is the only academic subject area to have standards and outcomes specifically targeting social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts. Physical educators have specific expertise on SEL and an opportunity to deliver innovative ways to develop SEL core competencies in their students. This workshop is designed to provide an overview of SEL concepts aligned to the CASEL core competencies with a focus on trauma-informed teaching. From there, teachers will discover and experience OPEN resources that have been backward designed from those competencies. This workshop is designed for a grades K–12 audience.
Sport Education: Empowering Your Students to Success! (1 to 6 hours)
Participants will engage in techniques and methods to create innovative Sport Education seasons. Sport Education seasons promote physical literacy while maximizing student participation, engagement, empowerment, and leadership. Frameworks and examples will show Sport Education in action by incorporating OPEN content. The session includes an activity-based walkthrough of Sport Education example lessons. This workshop is designed for a grades 6-12 physical education teacher audience.
Healthy Brains and Bodies with Active Classrooms & Recess (1 to 3 hours)
Students need 60+ minutes of activity every day for healthy bodies and healthy brains. Physical activity helps build brains and prepares students for optimal learning! This will help them leap over any learning gap they may be facing. OPEN’s Active Classroom and Recess resources are also designed to improve social and emotional health with activities that address physiological stress response. Teachers participating in this session will learn about the connection between physical activity and learning, as well as how to safely implement physical activity into every school day. This workshop is designed for the elementary classroom and physical education teachers.
Dance, Dribble, Jump, and Move with Kids Heart Challenge® (1 to 3 hours)
In conjunction with our partners US Games and the American Heart Association, OPEN provides professional development to help teachers coordinate OPEN modules to the Kids Heart Challenge service-learning event. Teachers will receive not only professional development for OPEN curriculum resources but also training on content from OPEN modules that can be used to enhance a Kids Heart Challenge event (e.g., Jump Rope, Basketball Skills, Dance, Ninja Warrior). This active session will also feature notes from an American Heart Association representative on how they can support teachers who are working to facilitate a local event. This workshop is designed for a grades K–8 audience. (Note: These professional developments are scheduled through local American Heart Association representatives in your geographic area.)
Nutrition Education Basics for Elementary Schools (1 hour virtual only)
Let’s backward-design healthy eaters with fun and meaningful learning activities. Are you looking to understand the why and how of nutrition education? This workshop answers two essential questions: 1) Why is nutrition education important for elementary school students? 2) How can I start integrating meaningful and engaging nutrition education lessons with my students? Walk through evidence-based dietary guidelines, establish the overall goal of nutrition education, break down priority learning outcomes, and explore resources that are meaningful for students and realistic for busy teachers. This experience can be customized to meet the needs of physical educators, classroom teachers, or both.
FitnessGram® Implementation - Ready, Set, Go! (3 to 6 hours)
This session will prepare teachers to implement FitnessGram® in their school or district. The workshop will cover FitnessGram® assessment protocols and tips for working with large groups. Next, participants will log in to the web-based platform and receive a guided exploration of the website, including creating test events, entering data, creating student reports, generating class and school data reports, SmartCoach® resources, and online support. Finally, the group will explore OPEN lessons and content that support fitness education and assessment. This professional development is designed for grades 3–12 audiences and will require activity space along with WiFi and computer devices for participants.
Field Day – It’s Not Just a Day, It’s an ADVENTURE (1 hour virtual only)
Not only is Field Day an event that promotes physical activity and fun, but it is also a fantastic opportunity to bring the school community together and advocate for physical education! This virtual session will guide teachers through the process of creating a successful event. When you plan, prepare, and perform for your Field Day, an effective event can be executed for all to enjoy! Additionally, free resources from OPEN will be highlighted that assist teachers with implementing Field Day at their school. This workshop is designed for a grades K–12 audience.
Early Childhood featuring Rhythm & Move (1 to 3 hours)
This professional learning experience is designed for Early Childhood educators and activity leaders and is built on Hip Hop Public Health’s MMHEM evidence base and is aligned to the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework. Participants will move, have fun, and learn instructional strategies for safe and meaningful movement for their preschool children. The agenda begins with teaching physical activity rules and management basics, continues with Rhythm & Move Super Helper activities and lessons, and concludes with a parachute party to reinforce behavioral, language, and motor development.
Find 1 or more workshop titles to build a full 6-hour professional development event for your school district. Then, click “Request Proposal” and fill out a form to request a formal price quote. Each professional development event is $3,450. This price includes all trainer travel and expenses and a $300 OPEN training equipment pack.