Created by: Learnin’ The Ropes & Nichole Wilder
Special Contributions by: Aaron Hart, Andrea Hart

This module was developed in partnership with the team from Learnin’ The Ropes and OPEN. For decades, children have been jumping rope as a form of movement-based fun. This module reinforces basic rope jumping skills and then progresses to include a variety of tricks, challenges, long rope jumping, and cooperative routines.

Jump rope participation provides students with valuable physical activity experiences that provide a relevant context for a variety of fitness-related lessons. It has been known to improve health-related and skill-related fitness components, as well as helping to establish foot work and motor skills that can serve individuals in many other sports or activities. Students will discover the joys of mastering new skills and challenges while fostering a lifelong appreciation for movement and the importance of maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle.

All participants are given the opportunity to explore jump rope in a fun and engaging environment where everyone can feel successful. This allows students to build connections with their classmates that can extend beyond physical education.

Thank you to Nick and Kaylee Woodard for sharing their amazing skills and videos for this module. If you are interested in additional information and resources from Learnin’ The Ropes you can visit their webpage at

Module Documents

  • Complete Module Packet:

  • Module Overview:

  • Materials List:

  • All Module Activities:

  • Academic Language Cards:

  • Jump Rope Skill Cards:

  • Jump Rope Selection Poster:

  • Universal Design for Learning:

  • Teacher Self-Reflection Guide:

Activity Plans

  • Jump Zone:

  • Jolly Jumpers:

  • Skip Squad:

  • Jumping for Joy:

  • Jump Jams:

  • Rhythm & Ropes:

  • Double the Fun:

  • Creative Combos:

Assessment Tools

  • Academic Language Quiz:

  • Holistic Performance Rubric:

  • Creative Combos Worksheet:

Additional Believe In You Resources Available

  • 5-Day Journals:

  • Leadership Activities:

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OPEN Priority Outcomes

Personal Challenge:

  • (Grade 6) Recognizes individual challenges and copes in a positive way, such as extending effort, asking for help/feedback, and/or modifying the tasks.
  • (Grade 7) Generates positive strategies such as offering suggestions/assistance, leading/following others, and/or providing possible solutions when faced with a group challenge.
  • (Grade 8) Develops a plan of action and makes appropriate decisions based on that plan when faced with a challenge.

Personal Enjoyment:

  • (Grade 6) Describes how moving competently creates enjoyment and self-expression.
  • (Grade 7) Explains the relationship between self-expression and lifelong enjoyment of physical activity.
  • (Grade 8) Discusses ways to increase enjoyment in self-selected physical activities.

Personal Health:

  • (Grade 6) Describes how physical activity positively impacts the body to promote good health.
  • (Grade 7) Identifies and explains the relationship between the 5 components of health-related fitness and disease prevention.
  • (Grade 8) Seeks out and identifies physical activity options to enrich physical, emotional, and mental health for self and others.

Social Interaction:

  • (Grade 6) Demonstrates respect for self and others in activities and games by following the rules, encouraging others, and playing within the spirit of the game or activity.
  • (Grade 7) Demonstrates the importance of social interaction by helping and encouraging others, avoiding trash talk, and providing support to classmates.
  • (Grade 8) Demonstrates respect for self by asking for help and helping others in various physical activities.

Working With Others:

  • (Grade 6) Accepts differences among classmates in physical development, maturation, and varying skill levels by providing encouragement and positive feedback.
  • (Grade 7) Demonstrates cooperation skills by establishing rules and guidelines for resolving conflicts.
  • (Grade 8) Responds appropriately to participants’ ethical and unethical behavior during physical activity by using rules and guidelines for resolving conflicts.