Created by: Nichole Wilder
Special Contributions by: Andrea Hart, Aaron Hart, Eliza Kuhn

The Backyard Games module was created as a way for students to stay active year-round while enjoying the benefits of physical activity with friends. In this module students will explore activities and games that can be played both during and outside of the school day. In addition, personal and social responsibility concepts such as cooperation, safety, respect, and etiquette are included. Our ultimate goal is to have students develop a desire to be active with their friends and/or family. These fun and engaging physical activities where everyone can feel successful will hopefully lead students to becoming healthy and active for a lifetime.

Module Documents

  • Full Module Packet:

  • Required Materials:

  • All Module Activities:

  • Academic Language Cards:

  • Universal Design Considerations:

Activity Plans

  • Bocce Ball:

  • Bean Bag Toss:

  • Spike it Up:

  • Spike it Up: Paddle Style:

  • Bucket Golf:

  • Disc Golf:

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OPEN Priority Outcomes:


  • Grades 3-5: Recognizes the role of rules and etiquette in physical activity with peers.
  • Grades 6-8: Exhibits etiquette and adherence to rules in a variety of physical activities.
  • Grades 9-12: Exhibits proper etiquette, respect for others, and teamwork while engaging in physical activity and/or social dance.

Personal Responsibility and Safety:

  • Grades 3-5: Works independently and safely in physical activity settings.
  • Grades 6-8: Uses effective self-monitoring skills to incorporate opportunities for physical activity in and outside of school.
  • Grades 9-12: Applies best practices for participating safely in physical activity, exercise, and dance.

Social Interaction:

  • Grades 3-5: Describes the positive social interactions that come when engaged with others in physical activity.
  • Grades 6-8: Demonstrates respect for self and others in activities and games by following the rules, encouraging others, and playing within the spirit of the game or activity.
  • Grades 9-12: Demonstrates the importance of social interaction by helping and encouraging others, avoiding trash talk, and providing support to classmates.

Working with Others:

  • Grades 3-5: Works cooperatively with others.
  • Grades 6-8: Accepts differences among teammates in physical development, maturation, and varying skill levels by providing encouragement and positive feedback.
  • Grades 9-12: Uses communication skills and strategies that promote positive team/group dynamics.