This module includes activities that are designed to develop and reinforce several locomotor and manipulative skills. All of the basic locomotor skills, static and dynamic balancing, as well as underhand tossing, rolling, and catching are addressed. Other learning outcomes are also addressed within the module’s activities.
Module Documents
Complete Module Packet:
Module Overview:
Required Materials:
All Module Activities:
Sample Lesson Plan:
Academic Language Cards:
Station Cards:
Instructional Materials
Activity Card Set:
Skill Cue Teach Sheets:
Skill Cue Posters:
Activity Plans
Juggle Scarf Exploration 1:
Juggle Scarf Exploration 2:
Bean Bag Exploration 1:
Bean Bag Exploration 2:
Ball Skills 1:
Ball Skills 2:
Hula Hoop 1:
Hula Hoop 2:
Noodles 1:
Noodles 2:
Jump Rope 1:
Station Day:
Activity Video Demonstrations
Tail Tag (Scarf Expo):
Self-Assessment Worksheet:
Holistic Performance Rubric:
Dual Performance Rubric:
Additional Resources
- Literature Enhanced PE Posters: [Link to]
Teacher Evaluation
Teacher Self-Evaluation and Reflection Guide:
Planning Tools
Blank Activity Plan Template:
Blank Lesson Plan Template:
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Priority Outcomes Focus for Locomotor and Manipulative Skills
Students recognize the value of physical activity for physical, emotional, and mental health.
Personal Challenge (K) Acknowledges that some physical activities are challenging/difficult; (1) Recognizes that challenges can lead to success; (2) Participates in physical activities that bring confidence and challenge.
Social Interaction (K) Discusses the enjoyment of playing with family and friends; (1) Discusses the reasons for participating in physical activity with friends; (2) Discusses ways to encourage others to be physically activity with friends.
Students demonstrate skill competency and can apply concepts and strategies to movement and performance.
Locomotor Skills (K) Performs locomotor skills with balance; (1) Travels with balance using a variety of locomotor skills in dynamic environments; (2) Performs locomotor skills using a mature pattern and in rhythm.
Manipulative Skills (K) Safely manipulates objects using underhand throws, two-hand catches, hand and foot dribbles and underhand volleys/strikes; (1) Manipulates and controls objects using underhand throws, two-hand catches, hand and foot dribbles and underhand volleys/strikes; (2) Demonstrates control while combining locomotor and manipulative skills in self- space and general space.
Movement Concepts (K) Safely moves in both personal and general space using different pathways and speeds; (1) Safely moves demonstrating a variety of relationships with people and objects; (2) Controls force (strong and light) and speed (fast and slow) while moving in static and dynamic environments.
Students demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior.
Personal Responsibility & Safety (K) Follows directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment with minimal reminders; (1) Follows directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment without reminders; (2) Works independently and safely in physical education.
Accepting Feedback (K) Acknowledges responsibility for behavior when prompted; (1) Responds appropriately to general feedback from the teacher; (2) Accepts specific corrective feedback from the teacher.
Working with Others (K) Shares equipment and space with others; (1) Works independently with others in a variety of class environments; (2) Accepts responsibility for class protocols with personal and cooperative behavior as well as performance actions.