K-2 Games for Teaching…

Snowman Championships (Grades K-5)

By |2024-11-19T11:23:51-05:00November 19th, 2024|3-5 Physical Education Modules, Curriculum Resources, K-2 Games for Teaching…|

Created by: Aaron Hart, Nichole Wilder, Eliza Kuhn Special Contributions by: Andrea Hart Get ready to kick off a month of winter-themed excitement and teamwork with the Snowman Championships! This interactive event is designed for both the classroom and physical education. Activities and lessons bring students together through fun, snowman-inspired challenges that [...]

Locomotor and Manipulative Skills
(Primary K-2)

By |2024-04-30T16:18:38-04:00April 30th, 2024|Curriculum Resources, K-2 Games for Teaching…, K-2 Physical Education Modules|

This module includes activities that are designed to develop and reinforce several locomotor and manipulative skills. All of the basic locomotor skills, static and dynamic balancing, as well as underhand tossing, rolling, and catching are addressed. Other learning outcomes are also addressed within the module’s activities. Module Documents Complete Module Packet:[PDF Only] Module Overview: [PDF, WORD] [...]

Run for Fun (Grades K-2)

By |2023-11-05T08:22:11-05:00November 5th, 2023|Curriculum Resources, K-2 Games for Teaching…, K-2 Physical Education Modules|

Created by: Stephanie Herrick, Aaron Hart, Nichole Wilder, Andrea Hart Run for Fun is the latest collaboration between OPEN and Rising New York Road Runners. This instructional module borrows teacher-tested learning activities from the Rising New York Road Runners’ PLAYBuilder and adds OPEN’s twist on outcomes-based instructional resources. The activities in this module [...]

Instant Activities
(Elementary K-5)

By |2023-07-10T16:55:14-04:00December 11th, 2018|3-5 Games for Teaching, 3-5 Physical Education Modules, Curriculum Resources, K-2 Games for Teaching…, K-2 Physical Education Modules|

Created by Aaron Hart, Jim DeLine, Josh Enders, Brandon Herwick, Lynn, Hefele, Jenna Knapp, Nick Kline, Andy Pickett, Andrea Hart, RD, Dan Tennessen, Nichole Wilder Physical educators know and understand the need to get students active and engaged as soon as they enter the PE classroom. This collection of instant activities serves to help [...]

Flag Tag
(Primary K-2)

By |2023-07-10T16:55:58-04:00October 2nd, 2017|Curriculum Resources, K-2 Games for Teaching…, K-2 Physical Education Modules|

Created by: Victor Spadaro & Aaron Hart Special Contributions: Deedi Brown Design: Jennifer Truong Are your K–2 students ready for some football?! Actually, no, they’re probably not. The Flag Tag Games module is designed to prepare children for Flag Football participation in a safe, fun, and developmentally appropriate setting. Locomotor skills and movement in [...]

(Primary K-2)

By |2023-07-10T16:52:57-04:00March 30th, 2017|Curriculum Resources, K-2 Games for Teaching…, K-2 Physical Education Modules|

Created by: Lisa Kushner, Amanda Welch, Nick Kline, and Aaron Hart Special Contributions: Deedi Brown Design: Jennifer Truong Parachute activities are among the most memorable physical education experiences of a young child’s life. Just seeing the ‘chute creates excitement and joy for most students. It is also an important opportunity to reinforce critical personal [...]

(Primary K-2)

By |2023-07-10T16:57:42-04:00May 10th, 2016|K-2 Games for Teaching…, K-2 Physical Education Modules|

Created by: Brandon Herwick & Artie Kamiya Special Contributions: Elyse Loughlin, Aaron Hart, Deedi Boland, & Jenna Knapp Design: Jennifer Truong Dance has been a part of the human experience since before the birth of the earliest civilizations. Young children love to move to music, and that joy provides an important opportunity to nurture the value of [...]

Volleying & Striking Skills

By |2023-07-10T16:51:03-04:00January 6th, 2016|K-2 Games for Teaching…, K-2 Physical Education Modules|

Created by: Larry Satchwell & Aaron Hart Design: Jennifer Truong & Albert Luera This module introduces students to the basics of volleying and striking through developmental play. Striking with the hand is followed by striking with a short-handled paddle, preparing students to progress toward paddle and racquet activities at the intermediate level. [...]

Foot Skills
(Primary K-2)

By |2023-07-10T16:55:30-04:00February 12th, 2015|Curriculum Resources, K-2 Games for Teaching…, K-2 Physical Education Modules|

This module introduces children to the foot skills and movement concepts most often associated with the sport of soccer. Foot dribbling, kicking, passing, and receiving (trapping) are the primary skills emphasized. However, a variety of other learning outcomes are also addressed within the module’s activities. Module Documents Complete Module Packet: [PDF Only] [...]

Ball Handling & Dribbling Skills
(Primary K-2)

By |2023-07-10T16:58:07-04:00February 4th, 2015|Curriculum Resources, K-2 Games for Teaching…, K-2 Physical Education Modules|

This module introduces children to ball handling skills and movement concepts most often associated with the sport of basketball. Hand dribbling, passing, and receiving (catching) are the primary skills emphasized. However, a variety of other learning outcomes are also addressed within the module’s activities. Note: there are no outcomes for 2-handed passing associated with basketball. [...]

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