
Home/Tag: Fitness

Standards, Outcomes, and Fun!

By |2017-06-04T14:38:41-04:00December 15th, 2014|OPEN Blog|

Don’t throw out the fun stuff!!! In conversations that I’ve had around outcomes-based, backward design the single largest stumbling block for teachers seems to be the misconception that backward design means starting over from scratch. “What about the great stuff that I do and that I know kids love? Do I have to throw it [...]

Maximize Your FITNESSGRAM Reports

By |2017-06-04T14:38:41-04:00November 24th, 2014|OPEN Blog|

Numbers may bore you, but the fact is, data drives decisions and FITNESSGRAM10 offers concrete individual and group data that can make an impact if communicated and used appropriately. The mission statement, as well as the program philosophy, clearly outlines education with a focus on lifelong physical activity promotion as the primary goal of FITNESSGRAM. [...]

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