Finding new ways to incorporate technology into physical education is always exciting, but not always easy. The game-based classroom response system, Kahoot, is an easy and fun way to integrate technology, and see how much your students already know or have learned about a concept or skill.

I first used Kahoot in the physical education setting during a nutrition unit to quiz my students on the food groups. The following week, many of my students asked why we were not taking a Kahoot quiz again! I later stumbled upon Aaron Hart’s Invisible Dumbbells and Muscular Endurance for Children station cards. I knew this was my chance to create another Kahoot to quiz my students on what the muscle focus was for each exercise. I had some very excited students when I announced we were taking another Kahoot quiz that week! Here is a link to the Invisible Dumbbell Kahoot I created:

What is a Kahoot?

  • A learning game that consists of multiple-choice questions.
  • It is projected at the front of the classroom/gym and played by the whole class in real time.
  • Students answer using any mobile device, tablet or laptop.

How do you create a Kahoot?

What do you need to make a Kahoot Quiz successful in your physical education setting?

  • A Kahoot account,
  • A projector that can be hooked up to your laptop or tablet.
  • 6 tablets or laptops.
    • I put my students into groups to share a tablet for the quiz. This helps them focus on the content, teamwork, and sharing.
  • 6 different colored cones.
    • Each group will be asked to put in a nickname.
    • I instruct my students to enter in their nickname as the color of their cone to make things a little quicker!

Before I pass out the tablets to my students I split them up into 6 groups and then project this slide.


So, how do you plan to give a Kahoot in physical education?