Middle School PhysEd Modules

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Health & Wellness (Middle School)

By |2023-06-09T17:20:06-04:00February 14th, 2023|6-8 Tools for Teaching|

Created by: Nichole Wilder & Andrea Hart, RDN CDN Special Contributions: Aaron Hart Studies have shown that healthy students get better grades, attend school more, and often behave better in class. This module includes activities that are designed to help students develop the knowledge and skills to be healthy and active for [...]

Plug & Play Fitness Collection (Grades 3-12)

By |2023-02-06T10:14:37-05:00February 5th, 2023|3-5 Games for Teaching, 6-8 Tools for Teaching, 9-12 Tools for Teaching, Curriculum Resources|

Plug & Play Fitness activities are among the most popular resources on the OPEN platform – with over 100,000 downloads and counting! This page brings all three Plug & Play modules together for quick and easy access across all grade levels. Teachers have told us that no matter what grade level they teach, they [...]

The Adventure Mile (Middle School)

By |2023-06-12T11:47:25-04:00March 20th, 2022|6-8 Tools for Teaching, Curriculum Resources, Middle School PhysEd Modules|

Created by: Aaron Hart & Stephanie Herrick Special Contributions: Victor Spadaro, Isabella Orlando and Andrea Hart, RDN Design: Jennifer Truong & Aaron Hart OPEN and Rising New York Road Runners have joined forces to bring you The Adventure Mile for Middle School. This new instructional module provides over 100 pages of fitness running instructional tools [...]

Winter Wonderland Instant Activities

By |2024-11-14T12:02:14-05:00December 4th, 2021|3-5 Physical Education Modules, Curriculum Resources, K-2 Physical Education Modules, Middle School PhysEd Modules|

Every year, right around the holiday season, students start to fall into a frenzy of excitement, forget their impulse control basics, and can use a little physical education etiquette reminder. OPEN's winter-themed instant activity module was designed just for that! We’ve organized our collection of fun and engaging instant activities with social and emotional [...]

Team Tabata Challenges (Middle & High School)

By |2024-08-06T16:39:29-04:00August 3rd, 2021|Curriculum Resources, High School PhysEd Modules, Middle School PhysEd Modules|

Build class routines with engaging Tabata Challenges designed to reinforce 3 simple classroom rules while building a positive learning environment. 1) Respect Self;  2) Respect Others;  3) Respect the Things We Use Build on these simple rules to create a safe environment where students are empowered to explore physical activity and movement while building [...]


By |2023-06-09T17:57:24-04:00January 15th, 2020|6-8 Tools for Teaching, Curriculum Resources, Middle School PhysEd Modules|

Created by: Charla Krahnke, Aaron Hart & Rich Wiles Special Contributions: Deedi Brown & Victor Spadaro Design: Jennifer Truong Pickleball was a sport created for all ages and skill levels. It combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong into a fun court game that is easy for beginners to learn and challenging enough [...]

Fitness Knowledge
(MS 6-8)

By |2023-06-09T17:19:34-04:00May 13th, 2019|6-8 Tools for Teaching, Curriculum Resources, Middle School PhysEd Modules|

Created by: Aaron Hart, Brian Devore, Jim DeLine, Mike Martinez, Nick Kline, Pam Powers, Rich Wiles, Shannon Maly Special Contributions: Deedi Brown, Breanna Natale, Andjelka Pavlovic, Georgina Vint Design: Jennifer Truong We’re excited to deliver this Fitness Knowledge module which includes high MVPA learning activities, 7 different assessment choices, and over [...]

(Middle School)

By |2023-06-09T17:18:58-04:00April 10th, 2019|6-8 Tools for Teaching, Curriculum Resources, Middle School PhysEd Modules|

Created by: Brandon Herwick, Rich Wiles, Dr. Theresa Cone, Pam Powers, Shannon Maly, Ben Pirillo, Scott Williams, Deedi Brown, Bob Oats, Chris Walker, Alex O’Brien, Matt Bristol, Matt Johnson Special Contributions: Aaron Hart, Brian Devore & Tammy Hanna Design: Jennifer Truong This module builds upon the learning and enjoyment that students experienced in the OPEN dance modules for [...]

Basketball Skills
(MS 6-8)

By |2023-06-09T17:17:46-04:00January 17th, 2019|6-8 Tools for Teaching, Basketball Nation, Curriculum Resources, Middle School PhysEd Modules|

Created by: Aaron Hart, Ami Gibson, Brian Devore, Charla Krahnke, Colin Arvanitakis, Daniel Hill, Rachel Weir, Rich Wiles Special Contributions by: Deedi Brown & Joey Feith Module Design & Layout: Jennifer Truong OPEN Basketball Nation Logo: Asia Kehl It would be very interesting to know what Dr. James Naismith would think about the evolution of [...]

Limited Equipment

By |2023-07-24T11:50:49-04:00November 28th, 2018|3-5 Physical Education Modules, Curriculum Resources, High School PhysEd Modules, K-2 Physical Education Modules, Middle School PhysEd Modules|

Created by: Christina Courtney, Jim DeLine, Gabe Erving, Crystal Gorwitz, Aaron Hart, Andrea Hart, Erik Heard, Lynn Hefele, Brandon Herwick, Lori Jerred, Nick Kline, Charla Tedder Krahnke, Michael Martinez, Roy Mitchell, Victoria Otto, Benjamin Pirillo, Victor Spadaro, Daniel Tennessen, Rich Wiles Design:  Aaron Hart & Jennifer Truong Special Contributions:  Deedi Brown This module was started [...]

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